
Fortis BC (Gas) delivers natural gas and piped propane to homes and businesses throughout BC to approximately 940,000 customers in 125 communities, providing service to 95 per cent of BC's natural gas customers.
Strategic Planning
White Tiger was retained to facilitate Strategic Planning for several key corporate groups in support of the identification of need and the consideration of opportunity through a telescope of business planning.
Organizational Excellence
White Tiger was engaged to work with several key Corporate Groups facilitating an organizational excellence program as it seeks to support it's goal of operational performance, with more formalized management practices and processes. We conducted a program which engaged diverse representation in order to identify specific initiatives for reinvestment.
Executive Development
White Tiger was retained to deliver a development program for personal and professional development to a broad cross section of Management. Our focus was on creating a results oriented program which encompassed development of new core competencies, skill sets, effective manangement practices, and new strategic perspectives.
Change Management
White Tiger was retained to implement a complete change management program combining Strategic Planning, Mentoring, Core Management Training and Organizational Excellence in order to develop new performance from a mission critical corporate group.
Contractor Strategy Planning
White Tiger was engaged to facilitate a Contractor Strategy Planning exercise in support of a new relationship paradigm. Our focus was on creating a results oriented program with which to identify the course forward through new uncharted waters.
Tactical Response Planning
White Tiger was engaged to facilitate a Tactical Response Planning exercise to support new Strategic Planning initiatives focused on Procurement Services and its major contractors. Our focus was on creating a results oriented blueprint which would drive enhanced delivery execution.
Core Management Training
White Tiger was engaged to deliver a management training program for front line managers and executives seeking professional development in core management competencies. Our focus was on creating a results oriented program which developed new skill sets, common perspectives and positive business impact.